如何在 Linux 虚拟主机和 Windows 虚拟主机上配置 WS_FTP

WS_FTP Pro is shareware to upload information to the server. With this you can upload, change, delete, copy files and change the permission.

如何在 Linux 虚拟主机和 Windows 虚拟主机上配置 WS_FTP

WS_FTP Pro is shareware to upload information to the server. With this you can upload, change, delete, copy files and change the permission.

WS_FTP Pro is the program used to upload the information to the server. It can upload, change, delete, copy files and change the permission

WS_FTP Pro is a shareware program developed by Ipswitch and Inc company. This can be downloaded from http://www.ipswitch.com/index.html or download here

The procedure to use WS_FTP Pro [ version 9.0 ]

1. Open the program > click Next

2. Site Name > add your domain name [yourdomain.com] > click Next

3. Server Address > add FTP Server Name or IP Address > click Next
example Domain Name--yourdomain.com
FTP Server Name--ftp.yourdomain.com
or IP Address--122.155.xx.xxx

4. User Name and Password
User Name and Password must to registered from IC-Myhost > click Next

5. Connection Type > click Next

6. Click Advanced to Edit Remote Site Folder [your directory on the server]

7. Select Startup and Remote site folder to /domains/yourdomain.com/public_html/ > click Ok > Finish

Main menu 4 types

The part of basic tools

   Connect is opening the window of connect for select host that created
   Disconnect is cancellation to connecting with FTP Server
   Connection Wizard is adding a new create site
   New Local View is opening the another directory within number 2
   Option is management another option

The part of directory on your computer
The part of directory on ftp server
This show the command of procedure

Changing chmod for user CGI on LINUX
Select the file that you require to change the permission and click right then select CHMOD


Choose mode that you want,normally CGI/perl will change to 755

Chmod is control to manage the file that can be read,write and execute

Chmod can separate 3 group

1. Owner represent the first number
2. Group represent the second number
3. Other represent the third number

The number meaning of chmod(LINUX)

0 > can't do it all                        4 > only read
1 > only execute                        5 > read and execute
2 > only write                             6 > read and write but can't execute
3 > write and execute               7 > do it all read,write and execute

777 Other can read,write and execute
755 Owner can read,write and execute but other can only read and execute
644 Owner can read and write but other can only read