如何为共享云主机添加免费 SSL

How to add Free SSL Let's Encrypt for Share Cloud Hosting

如何为共享云主机添加免费 SSL

How to add Free SSL Let's Encrypt for Share Cloud Hosting

1. Login into Control Panel though https://yourdomain.com:2222 as picture

2. Choose 'Domain Setup'

3. then select your domain name for setup SSL Let's Encrypt

4. Choose 'Use a symbolic link from private_html to public_html - allows for same data in http and https' then Save as picture

5. Select topic 'SSL Certificates' as picture

6. Choose 'Free & automatic certificate from Let's Encrypt'
- Fill your email
- Then select www and no www as picture (other no need)

- Then click Save, system will generate Certificate as picture

7. When finish process, verify by click 'SSL Certificates' again, then will can see detail as Certificate and Key and period of SSL Let's Encrypt deadline as picture

8. Test by opening website like  https://www.yourdomain.com