? Android ???????
for users who use Android , you can setup IMAP or POP3 in your smartphone for retrieving your email like PC/MAC
For users who use Android , you can setup IMAP or POP3 in your smartphone
for retrieving your email like PC/MAC
Before setup these, you have to have your Email Account in server first. If you still not create email account, please login in Control Panel to create email first You can see how to create email accout
Setup Progress
1. Goto "Settings"

2. Then click "Users & accounts"

3. "Add account"

4. Choose "Personal (POP3)"

5. Add your email address and press "Next"

6. Choose "Personal (POP3)"

7. Setup Incoming server settings
Username : youremail address. For example: info@yourdomain.com
Passwd : your email password
Server : mail.yourdomain.com
And Press "Nexst"

8. If there is any alert message box like below picture, Click "Advanced" and Next

9. Incoming server settings
Username : youremail address. For example: info@yourdomain.com
Passwd : your email password
Server : mail.yourdomain.com
Port : 110
Security Type : None
Remark in case you use Security Type : SSL , please use port : 995
Then press "Next"

10. Outcoming server settings
Username : youremail address. For example: info@yourdomain.com
Passwd : your email password
SMTP Server : mail.yourdomain.com
Then press "Next"

11. Account Options -> Next

12. Completed, then fill your name