
Selecting web page content Content selection It is considered an important part in Starting to make a web page Both the structure and popularity of the web page, of course, if the creator already has content, such as a corporate web page, a game web page, a celebrity web page, etc., it is considered extremely fortunate. For beginners I'm not sure which topic to choose. Should start from


Selecting web page content Content selection It is considered an important part in Starting to make a web page Both the structure and popularity of the web page, of course, if the creator already has content, such as a corporate web page, a game web page, a celebrity web page, etc., it is considered extremely fortunate. For beginners I'm not sure which topic to choose. Should start from

1. Web page content selection Content selection It is considered an important part in Starting to make a web page Both the structure and popularity of the web page, of course, if the creator already has content, such as a corporate web page, a game web page, a celebrity web page, etc., it is considered extremely fortunate. For beginners I'm not sure which topic to choose. Should start from Surveying yourself about what you like or are most interested in, or have the most knowledge about, or what expertise you have the most, and then try to choose that thing as content. Because during the making of this web page It will be fun and you will gain additional knowledge as well.

2. Web page structure This structuring There is an important aim: to make visitors Can search for information systematically on web pages First of all, it must be considered. The possibility of Types of visitors because each type of visitor will search for different information, therefore, the structure of the web page It should be organized accordingly. different needs of visitors For example, If it is a web page of Company A, the person who visits Whether they intended to find information about Company A or maybe they came in by accident. In the opinion of the author should be classified of visitors as customers of the company, including future customers of the company, creditors of the company, competitors of the company, employees of the company, shareholders, the general public or other types of visitors. As follows, you will see differences in the information that must be prepared. to visitors, which are very different. It can be seen that the needs of Visitors who happened on this There is a lot of variety. What must be done next is Grouping of data These scattered areas should include various subtopics. Keep it in the main topic With the aim of The number of main points is minimal. Therefore, some subtopics May have to be discarded for appropriateness. In addition, organizing files and directories will help maintain them. and checking for errors in web pages is even easier, such as organizing image files in the same place or organize web pages that are the same story in the same directory, etc.

3. Everyone can see and look good Web pages should be made so that they can be viewed by every version of various software, whether it be Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer, or others. Making it viewable by everyone. It is considered to be an expansion of the visitor base. Because if it can be viewed from just some software, it will reduce There are also other factors such as colors used, images, frames, style sheets, cookies, java, javascript and plug-ins that may cause some visitors to see your webpage differently. Please read. More details can be found from http://www.anybrowser.org. In addition to being able to see It should also look good. Because there is a possibility The resulting web page may Displays differently on different browsers, including using different versions. Making this web page You should make sure that Everyone can view it and it looks good. However, the ratio of browser type and version used by visitors not certain But if most likely it will be Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer, therefore checking through these two browsers is something that should be done. As for the version used, use a medium version, not too old or too new (if possible You should check from every browser and every version you can find)

4. Web page loading speed What should be considered in Another thing about making a web page is the speed of loading the web page. Visitors should not use An unreasonably long time to wait for a web page to load. Especially on the first page of loading because there are many times that Visitors will stop Loading web pages and changing to find information from another place This is a big mistake. of the web page creator Factors that affect speed include the size of the images used, the number of images used, and the amount of characters. located on that page Incidentally, the speed in Loading web pages may depend on the server that the web page resides on. that he has the ability How high? The size of the image used The size should not exceed 20-30K per image. The type of image should be GIF or JPEG. If the size of the image is too large, you may cut it into smaller sizes and use a table to help organize the image. But there shouldn't be. Too many Because that is one of the reasons why reduce the speed of Loading web pages into the cache system available in some browsers will store images. that have already been loaded into the machine to increase speed, we can take advantage of this cache by using more of the original image. If not necessary, use the original image as much as possible. The fact that that web page There are a lot of characters. will reduce speed in loading as well, so if there is a lot of content it should be divided into sections to help increase Loading speed and also giving visitors Easier to read with

5. Ease of searching for information. The patience of visitors varies. If they take enough time and are still unable to find information on the web page. You may be able to change to find another place. This wouldn't be. It's definitely good for web pages. How to do it? visitors Can search for available information on web pages easily and with the highest efficiency Of course, the main factor must depend on Web page structure From the beginning the data was structured and grouped. As mentioned above

There are also other factors such as having a Navigator bar or navigation bar on every page of the web page (most Thai web pages use frames to help with navigation). The author does not recommend using frames because of the results on the screen. It may not be like that. that we want) and if Search and Sitemap services can be provided, it will be something that will help find information more easily

6. Characters, backgrounds, and colors may appear many times. that visitors will have to experience The creativity of the creator by using colors on the letters or on the background, including using images as the background, can cause problems with the visual nervous system of visitors. The color of letters and background that the author recommends is black letters on a white background. If you want to specify Type of letter It should be used that is universal. For example, in the case of English, Arial or Times may be used, etc. For Thai language, MS Sans Serif or other UPC letters may be used. This should be considered the universality of the Thai language. The choice of Thai characters is Must be especially careful because in the case of the visitor's machine Not having that character may cause visitors to can't read You can get the letters. The backdrop used The author does not recommend that The background is more prominent than the characters. address on web page Because it will make reading difficult and make the content uninteresting. However, using a plain colored background It may make it seem boring. Many times the author recommends it to the webmaster, but the answer is "Doesn't change. Because the original is already beautiful and good" This must depend on your judgment. of each person in the case where the web page has a lot of details Number of characters in each line May help visitors Easier to read details This can be done using The table is divided into 2-3 rows, but the lines shouldn't be too short because it will make reading difficult.

7. Pictures as mentioned above. There are two types of images used on this web page: GIF or JPEG. One of the main considerations Using type to The most effective is the number of colors in the image. If it is a edited image or a photograph with a lot of colors, you should use a JPEG file type. But if it is just a button or sign that doesn't have many colors, you should use a GIF. Sometimes, seeing with the naked eye Can hardly tell If possible, you should test it yourself by comparing the two file types and using the file type you are satisfied with. Along with considering The size of the file as well. Moreover, the size of the images that will be placed on the web page should be estimated first. In order to use the most satisfactory size and ratio, software that will help reduce the size of both GIF and JPEG files (including GIF Animation) is Ulead WebRazor, which can be found at http://www.ulead.com. One thing that web page creators Often overlooked is the speed of image loading. which is the main factor It depends on the speed of the device. of visitors. Testing from the web page creator's machine or testing via LAN cannot be measured. There should be testing from the server via Modem as well. There are many reasons that cause images to be larger than necessary. For example, using anti-aliased to type letters, using a gradient tool to gradient colors, etc., these make the image look better, for example, anti-aliased makes the letters look dimensional and pleasing to the eye, while the gradient tool may make the image look more beautiful. But both of these methods make the file too large. And sometimes the results that come out from some monitors, both the letters and gradient tools, may not match what is desired. For a web page that is an image gallery, there should be small images created. To connect to a large image or called Thumb. The reason why this should be done is besides making the image load. It is faster and also allows visitors to see roughly what the picture is like. If possible, details should be provided. of file size and the size of the image as well

8. Essential components of a web page An indispensable component? Many times the author has been argued that "If it's torn then it doesn't matter." Which is correct. The author sees that This consideration depends on the creator himself whether he truly sees the following things as indispensable components or not. For example, topics related to the company, the creator may be history and/or current information (About us) These help increase credibility for Visitors to the company, the creator, as described above regarding the navigation bar, Search, Sitemap, these are indispensable devices to help visitors find information on the web page easily and more conveniently because the web page It is a medium that can be interacted with. This is different from traditional media such as newspapers, TV or radio as follows: How to contact the company, the creator, whether by letter, telephone, Fax or email (Contact us) when visitors have a problem or need any information. You will be able to contact us to get the most complete information. There are other topics such as suggestions (Feedback), frequently asked questions (FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions), other interesting web pages, etc. various topics. This reduces the time spent searching for information for visitors.

9. Before the web page is published, before the web page is uploaded to the server, it should be tested using both Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer (the version used should use a version that is not too new and not too old) to see if the speed To load How slow or fast are they? Are both internal and external links correct? Are the images correct? Proofread and read the information to ensure that the information is correct. If possible, test with different resolutions, such as 600x480 pixels and 800x600 pixels etc. and on different qualities of the screen such as 256 colors, 16bit and 24 bit (Free software that can change colors and resolution is MS QuickRes, one of Powertoy, which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com) or In other words, test as much as possible. As far as the creator can find the machine to prevent errors that may happen

10. After the web page is published, if possible, test it as you would before publishing it, just to be sure. Of course, if it is a personal web page, There wouldn't be this much testing, or if it could be done. It should be tested, but if it's a company's web page, testing before and after is important and should be done regularly. In addition to testing What must be done after publishing is exploring, improving, and maintaining the webpage when you find good ideas that can be used to improve the webpage. It should be recorded. If it's a slight correction It should be corrected immediately. But if it is a correction It takes a long time. You should wait a while to gather things. want to edit all Then proceed with correcting various feedback from visitors. It is important that must be taken into account, including questions and suggestions From visitors, if they can answer or say thank you to their questions and suggestions, it will be something that It should be practiced very much. If this is an error Visitors reported Of course, you should fix this immediately and send a thank you to the visitor.


Source Thaidev.com