解决 MS Access 不显示泰语的问题

If you input data from Ms Access, MS Access doesn't show Thai language but it becomes like this?????? It occurs from code

解决 MS Access 不显示泰语的问题

If you input data from Ms Access, MS Access doesn't show Thai language but it becomes like this?????? It occurs from code

If you input data from Ms Access, MS Access doesn't show Thai language but it becomes like this?????? It occurs from code

There are 2 ways to solve the problem

1. Edit connection for MS Access by

1.1 Use this code <%@ codepage="874" %> to copy on the top of the page
1.2 conn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&Server.mappath("your part/DB.mdb")

2. Edit about output of data as follows

2.1. Normally code shows data from root access as follows
2.2. Add code for encode to show Thai language